Welcome to WRTM (Waikato Regional Transport Model)

The purpose of the WRTM strategic model is to enable integrated planning of land use and transport, for proposals to be analysed, and possible changes in policies to be evaluated.
The WRTM assists with:

  • Forecasting future traffic volumes for investment and maintenance;
  • Alternative land use policy analysis and spatial planning;
  • Testing the merits of alternative transport networks (including road and public transport);
  • Calculation of future benefits for economic evaluation of transport projects; and
  • Providing inputs into other tools to undertake more detailed intersection or urban modelling analyses.


If you require modelling to be carried out please complete the following request to initiate the process:

What area does the WRTM cover?

The geographic coverage of the WRTM includes the Waikato Regional Council area from the Auckland boundary in the north, up to and including the Taupo District in the south, and from the west coast of the Waikato to the east.

WRTM Ownership

The WRTM is a jointly owned model and is currently managed by Co-Lab.

The ownership structure of the WRTM is unique to the Waikato Region and the original ownership and shareholding has remained throughout various Governments and Governmental Department changes.

This long-standing agreement along with strong collaboration among the shareholding parties throughout has made the WRTM an enduring success.

WRTM Brochure


Saeid Adli