You are here: \ Shared Services \ Procurement \ Legal Services Panel
Co-Lab has established a legal services panel to provide the participating councils easy and compliant access to legal services.
The panel is split into 2 tiers: full service and speciality. Full service providers offer all services listed below whereas speciality providers means a limited range.
* Speciality service provider
If your council wants to join the legal services panel, then contact Co-Lab and we can talk through the process.
Information for suppliers wanting to join the legal services panel
The panel was established in December 2021 for 3 years with options to extend by a further 2 years. As it is a closed panel, we are not accepting applications from new suppliers seeking to join the panel. Co-Lab will update this webpage to notify the market when we are looking to renew or extend the panel in late 2024.
The Panel was established in December 2021 for 3 years with options to extend by a further 2 years. As it is a closed Panel we are not accepting applications from new suppliers seeking to join the Panel. The 2-year extension was actioned in November 2024. Co-Lab will update this webpage to notify the market when we are looking to renew the Panel in late 2026.